Monday, June 7, 2010

AT&T demonstrates the meaning of Rethink Possible for two Iraqi interns

May 24, 2010
Sarbast Rashid and Sadeq Shnaishel arrived in the U.S. on Jan. 24, but the journey for the two AT&T interns from Iraq started months before in October. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that for the very first time, the U.S. State Department would sponsor an Iraqi Information Technology Intern Exchange program. Interns would spend 12 weeks working with some of the leading technology firms in the U.S., acquiring critical IT and entrepreneurial skills to help develop the technology industry in Iraq.
This announcement would change the lives of two young Iraqi men — and it likely changed the lives of some of the AT&T colleagues they encountered.
A journey to success
After days of filling out applications and participating in interviews, weeks of waiting and months of background checks, Rashid and Shnaishel learned they were two of six interns selected to participate in the program and that they'd be headed to St. Louis to work for one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world - AT&T.
Shnaishel, 24, is a college graduate and hoped to expand his programming skills, observe competitive market practices and learn about successful business models while in the U.S.
"When I got selected for the program, I left my job because I knew it would be a big change in my life," he said. "For us, it is three months, and it is not just an internship, it's a way to start our journey to success." Shnaishel's co-intern, Rashid, is a 23-year old college student who wanted to learn the latest technologies so he could apply those skills to his future career.
But Shnaishel and Rashid were in for a surprise. While they expected to learn about new technologies and expand their programming skills, they didn't expect the life skills, business smarts and lessons of acceptance they would learn from the employees at AT&T.
One big family
During their 12 weeks at AT&T, Shnaishel and Rashid worked on different projects related to AT&T's IT operations. Shnaishel worked as a program developer; Rashid focused more on project management, contributing to a project that will increase the efficiency of interactions between AT&T and its customers.
"We were all very impressed by their willingness to learn and participate," said Sarah Gateley, senior technical team lead, who supervised Shnaishel and Rashid. "They arrived and enthusiastically jumped into work and began building relationships with their AT&T co-workers. The program proved to be a good opportunity for all involved."
And it was the willingness of AT&T's employees to answer those questions and address new ideas that made Shnaishel and Rashid realize that AT&T is not just one of the biggest companies in the world, but also one of the most nurturing and diverse. Both interns took notice of AT&T's family-like work environment. They were greeted with smiles, they were asked for their opinions and they were introduced to other employees from neighboring countries to Iraq. "If you asked me what makes AT&T unique, I would say it's their vision and diversity, and the way they treat their employees. Sometimes, I feel like I am home," Shnaishel said.
AT&T External Affairs and other employees arranged several outings for the interns to show them life outside of AT&T and expose them to American culture. From meeting Missouri's former governor to spending time on an employee's farm to visiting area schools, Shnaishel and Rashid truly got a unique and robust view of American life. "We're not just learning what it's like in business here," Rashid said. "We have the chance to study the entire country."
Shnaishel and Rashid took notice of the cultural differences, and the advantages of living in a society that's open to new ideas. "It's really difficult for anyone to understand a new culture immediately. Some things people might find weird or not that ordinary, because of the difference in culture," Shnaishel said. "I am so happy that AT&T understands that issue."
But to AT&T, a different culture, and a different way of thinking, wasn't an issue, it was an advantage. " Sadeq and Sarbast brought fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to our business. They were open to experience all AT&T and St. Louis had to offer," said Debra Hollingsworth, AT&T, director, External Affairs. "The cultural exchange was a win-win for the Interns and AT&T employees."
A bright future
Rashid and Shnaishel returned to Iraq in late April, leaving behind their new AT&T colleagues, but taking countless memories and lessons back home with them. "I think this has shifted the way I think. Now I can look for ideas and promote them. I now have the confidence for work; I have the experience and the knowledge," Rashid said.
Rashid plans to finish his education, and then take the ideas he's formed and the lessons he learned from the internship to start an e-commerce business in Iraq. Shnaishel has plans to start building a GPS application for the iPad.
Just a few weeks ago we launched the Rethink Possiblesm brand, but as Rashid and Shnaishel learned, in reality our employees have been living and breathing the idea for years. Shnaishel remembered one conversation he had with an AT&T colleague. "He said it takes only one man, only one with a vision to make a change. Then all the problems I saw just disappeared, because I know that where the focus is; energy flows. It's that easy."
It's these types of lessons that will affect Sarbast Rashid and Sadeq Shnaishel for years to come. During their last day in St. Louis, Rashid continued to thank AT&T employees. "I may not remember your name, but I will always remember the experiences, your care and the time you spent with us."
Both men have hopes that AT&T will one day expand to Iraq. Because as Shnaishel simply stated, "AT&T is the kind of organization that you want to exist in your country and make you proud."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

just be careful when u talk to media

greetings guys i put the letter i send to the journalist who play with my words to write what she want to write probably you don't want to read the article because its really hurt  the botom line is be careful and make sure you see what they wrote when they publish it and if you can before it will be good

i was writing to you from work and even don't read the whole article few things i want to point at and make it clear
1)i say there is so many dumb people in the world to answer the question about why there is war i never say in iraq.
2)when i talked about people and how they  must know that difference is something good again i never said iraqi people i am talking globally
3)i said i lost to uncle before the war killing by the iraqi government before 2003 and lost to nephew after the war but i never said that i lost them in conflict
i lost them in a terrorist attack because they work in the police to try to make iraq saver place but i never mention that and i wonder how you could say something i never said you draw your own conclusion.
 after read it carefully i find it hard to say thats its only misunderstood because you put things from your imagination and try to delete some fact i say like when i talked about my relative i lost you talk about my nephew and don't mention my uncles actually you said that i lost my uncles in conflict which is so untrue because the saddam government kill them.
please make the correction and try to be more professional next time if you have something with war or you have some idea you want to give to american people please don't put my name on it

My Visit to Aviston Elementary School

Iraqis Share Culture, Entertain Kids at Local School     
Thirty minutes is not much time to get across an entire culture, but a couple of Iraqis gave it a try last week and entertained some kids in Aviston along the way.

Sadeq Hamid Shnaishel, 24, and Sarbast Maheed Rashid, 23, told the kids at Aviston Elementary School about their country of Iraq and what they are doing in America.

Sadeq and Sarbast are two of the six interns in the first ever U.S. State Department Iraqi Internship Program. They are studying how telecommunications works at AT&T in St. Louis. They have been here about a month and will stay through the end of April, talking to people, learning and traveling.

Marisa Giller, a spokeswoman from Fleishman-Hillard, which is helping publicize the Iraqis' visit, said the two have been appearing at groups and schools in the St. Louis area whenever possible. "They are stars," she said. "Everyone loves them. They have a great time." 

They were in Aviston at the invitation of Dennis Rakers, an Aviston native who works for AT&T.
Sadeq lives in Baghdad but says he has never been in harm's way. "We are safe, but you do have to worry," he said. "You hear the noise." 

When asked why the war was still going on, he said he was puzzled as well. "That's a hard one," he said. "I guess because there are so many dumb people. We really are a peaceful nation."

The two young men talked about what they do for fun, showed pictures of the scenery in Iraq and of their families. Sarbast is from Erbil, which is a large city in the country's Kurdish region which is semi-autonomous.

He showed pictures of mountains and snow. "It gets colder than St. Louis,” he said. Rakers challenged the men to shoot basketball free throws and said they were learning American sports. But Sadeq had a question for the kids: "Why do they call it football when you don't touch the ball very much with your foot?" he asked.

This article was written by Zia Nizami from 

Just when I thought I've seen all of America

It's amazing how life keeps surprising me and how limited our thinking is. I remembered that I was sitting in my cube in AT&T and another co-worker came to welcome us and ask about my experience, and I said "Oh man, it's awesome, I've seen all of America. I've been here and there.." then he smiled and said "Do you think you've seen all of America? Let me take you to the countryside".

The countryside is awesome! People there are very, very friendly and simple. They remind me of home.
They know each other, live in peace and harmony, and it's so safe that people leave their houses open and they leave their keys inside the car and their stuff outside. When I ask if they're afraid that someone will steal their things, they say no, of course not, that's never happened before and never will. It's interesting to see another part of the U.S., a part that represents 2% of the population. What I like about it is that its so simple and so alive. I hope I will get back their again; it's an amazing part of the U.S.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Culture Difference

i cant take like this picture in home

when ever you travel to new place you will find a different culture most of the time people don't understand your culture and you don't understand their culture either
its really difficult for anyone to understand new culture fast he have to make some mistake some weird things people find lets say not good and that ordinary thing because of the difference in culture.
i am so happy that in AT&T they understand that issue and they have employees from every where and thats what make it easy for us to handle our staying in US and understand the different.
In AT&T I met Ali a very nice gentleman from Pakistan he came from the same culture we have so he understand the difference in culture and can help us with culture shock and explain the thing that we don't understand.
when ever i have a question or want to do something i just Q him ((its a program we use to chat)) and ask and he told me and explain to me what to do sometimes its the same thing i want to do only in different frame but that made a huge difference.
one of the greatest advice i get from him is when i explain to him a problem i have he smile and tell me that the problem is in our culture it consider rude to ask about that so he can understand why i am not asking for it the problem is in US you must ask because its consider your right to ask so if you don't ask for it no one give it to you because they don't know that you want that.he putted it so simple "you wait for them to give it to you and they wait for you to ask them" 

The Weekend

after work the weekend came and when it came for us we always think what we do we don't know people we are stranger we even don't know where to go so this is sound weird but for us the work better than weekend because we see people we know and talk to them hang on with them in the launch break.

Ali and me wait a minute where i am
aha i am the one who take the pic.

Well lets say its suppose to be like that 
but in reality things is different.when the work is done and the weekend came in we will have a fantastic day its basically learning experience with lots of fun we have a chance to see what is the real american society is.
I really enjoy the weekend and to me what i got in two days more than i got in the 5 days of work i remembered when i get out to the zoo with Ali we have lots of things to talk about and at that point i was thinking what i would do when i get back to Iraq the things back their is really tough and its mess he put it perfectly he just say it took only one man only one with a vision to make the change.
then the whole problems i saw just disappear because i know that where the focus is go energy flow its that easy.

Mark&Deb and ME
after watching avatar 3D

in weekend we talk about politics economic even the health care bills i talk with Mark about that and he explain it to me.he is very resourceful  man and hard worker i met him twice and looking for the 3rd and 4th because when he talk i always get something new and he interested in our cultures.
me and mark have a little talk about the technology and the IT profession and he talk about the craigslist and how its first came in and how its get to the business i love to hear these story because i always get the motivation to take risk and start business no matter what is the obstacles.
Daniel and Me

another great friend i get in AT&T is Daniel he is cool guy and he is a developer too so i always ask him about programming and what the cutting edge technology is we have fun at the weekend.

AT&T Diversity

look like i am really busy in work 

I remember the day so clearly the day when i read the email telling me that i has get the visa to US.
I was so happy and couldn't believe it then i call Mr Henry how told me that the visa in his office right now and i can get it when we come to embassy for the dinner they embassy hosted in honor of the IT Interns.
but i couldn't wait that long i ask him can i take it tomorrow if you have time he said sure.
I met him we sit down together he ask for a tea and he ask the waiter in iraqi language.
we talk a little bit about the program and he tell me that he would go to the north of iraq.
and ask me if i been their before i told him no but i love to do that if i have a chance.
He smiled and said you will go to US you will see the whole world. his words just pass i never thought that this will be the case truly in US its like one country and the whole world where ever you from you will find people from your country and other country what ever you belief you will find people whom believe in the same thing you belief .this is the US
AT&T Building

what amaze me is AT&T have the same things of course in less scale.
AT&T employees are from every where from india ,Pakistan ,german,Ethiopia  ,what ever country you name it.
and when i look to that its just amazing and no matter whats your color or your race its not get in your way to get a promotion or something like that
and the company is so nice that they arrange us to met employee  came from the same culture we came from in order to make things easy for us and make sure we doing good in our life inside and even outside the company
if you ask me what you make AT&T unique i will its their vision and diversity and the way they treat their employee sometimes i feel like i am at home .
I am working in IASSC team now the work is tough but i get lots of help and that what make it piece of cake to me. my team is amazing my team lead steve always visit me and ask about me progress frankly i don't have much to tell  because i never used to big project beside i am new to java language and that kill me but i work hard to learn and one of my collage Heather she is very helpful she came to my Cube everyday check on other team lead is renee she is so cute and friendly i never think about friendly boss back in Iraq we have so many rules to talk to your boss but not in AT&T not in US every body is the same you just say what ever you want you can don't agree with something your boss said without afraid of being fired.i forget to mention jesse and karry both of them are my co-workers when ever i need something i just ask them and they gave me the help i want.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Presentation in AT&T

hi guys i hope you doing well this is my presentation in AT&T
i want some feed back and correction to make it better the next time
i put it in face book this is the link

MY Presentation


Friday, February 26, 2010

Lunch At The Science Center

when i say lunch  back in home its mean just a meal but here when i say lunch or hear the word lunch back their in my mind i hear go on its new opportunity to learn something new in iraqi people don't tend to talk while they are eating but here the most beneficial talk happen in the lunch time because people will talk freely and they always talk about their experience and how the overcome the obstacle they have in life and that the kind of stories i want to hear and benefit from.
Marti and Christine are invited us to lunch we sit down and talk about iraqi technology,politics and business one of the thing we talk about is the difficulty we face as intern to transform what ever we find here in US back their to iraq because here in US we find many ideas and they are really good and at the same time they don't applicable in iraq because we don't have the infrastructure nor the mind set to make these project work .Marti was very nice to share with me this story about here mother she said when she was in mexico and she was from a poor family when ever she want a custom her mother make something from the closet she gather small things and then she made a good custom for her . she continued that our rule as intern want to apply these idea in iraq is to find a way its all about creativity and she emphasizes on this  don't wait do it with what you get find a way.
after we complete the meal the science center team was bring to us some gifts and free ticket to access the science center again they are so nice people they gave us their card and invite us to come again and contact them when ever we want to come.
after that i thought that i saw everything but i was wrong there is more interested stuff there than i can imagine we saw a little kids playing with toys they build the arch (a very famous building in st louis)
we cross to the other building and beneath it the street and they have a device you point it to the car and you can see in the screen how fast the driver is driving.

the other building for the science center deal with space we met a very kind gentleman but i forget his name he help us a lot gave us lots of information about the center and guided us in the tour

we saw a little bit of history of the space ships we calculate how much money we need to pay in order to get to the space they have a nice device that calculate your weight and give you the amount of money you have to pay.
and i was thinking people don't need to participate in the "biggest loser show" in order to lose weight they just have to come to saint louis science center and see how much difference one kilo can make in cost the device calculate that i have to pay 1645000 $ in order to go to the space.
then we move to another place which is really unique  in the whole world its contain a device have the ability to show you the stars and moon and other planets and Patric ask to get back to the night we were born to see how its look like this and its look like this

             the night i was born
then we go to see and touch the rock from space and they told me that the only place i can do so 

after that we saw a live broadcast to the space station and one of them is from st louis
it was a great day i saw things that i never dream to see before 
i want to thank Patric and Debra and i am sorry she left early because she have a meeting
and i wanna thanks all people in Science center for the wonderful tour.

the science center

Do you ever wonder how its look like when your born??
Do you ever wonder how much money you have to pay in order to go to space??
Do you ever sit down in science class waiting for the class to end counting every minute do you ask your self why ??you bet
Do you ever watch a movie and feel like your in it??
Do you ever wonder how the rock look like in the outer space??
if you still wonder i am happy to get my answer to all these question finally it was monday 15 jan 2010
even i can tell what time i get every question.
guess what if you want to get answer to those question just go to the science center.
 pharmacy student teach kids

we get out  to visit one of the most fascinating places in saint louis its the science center  when we arrive with debra .we met G patric Galvin a gentleman work in AT&T and he also work in the science center before we enter to the science center we saw a big fan come in its filled with young students whom came to the science center to see and apply the knowledge  when we enter we saw a big toy its hanging on the celling and the balls walk through it i cant describe it probably but it was simply a piece of art.
then we met a two beautiful women  Christine and Marti whom take all of us in the tour.
when Christine introduce herself and welcomed us she have to talk loudly  because the science center was filled with these little and active kids whom play around its really amazing place where you can see the danseur  and even you can build one .

then we take the stairs to go up because the science center is really crowd this day we go to see the movie but its not like what ever i seen before basically its like a huge screen in front of you and even above you and the sound came from every angle and when they play the movie i fell like i am actually in it and forget that we are in movie it was awesome .when the movie is finish i was thinking that its always better to make student see the information and feel it its better than talk about it because in that way he will grasp the idea really quick and he will never forget it so i ask Marti "do you have any cooperation with universities or schools so that they send their student to see an experiment or specific science subject" and she replied yes we have another films and we work on making more .
then we get down to the labs we met PH.D Cindy Encarnacion the director of life sciences she welcome us and begin talk about the science center and the mission they have while she speaking we saw the kids and how they react to what they saw like a bird or leather from an animal but what really was amazing is the 3rd picture i keep looking to them with the 3rd class and without it noticing the difference.
kids or should i say young scientists

we go to the lab with Cindy and the first thing we saw is little kids with white custom that all the science wear i saw the kids and how they react the lab was contain DNA analysis ,finger print recognition and the kids just love it and i just thinking with my self that this is the best idea to motivate the kids to learn to make them see what the science is rather than talking about it for an hour with mathematical concept . i bet when those child get back to the class and the teacher talk about DNA they will say ohhhhh DNA i saw that i know it its like the human id and he will talk about it in enthusiastic way and he want to learn about it rather than counting the time for the boring science lecture to finish i wonder why we don't have this in iraq and why the labs are always closed .
then we go to see another lab but this time its really different its not for kids  its for real scientists we saw some mutate creature and its like what you see in tv and wonder if that real guess what its real 
then we went to see their IT stuff they done good job but they are not that advance but they do really good job.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

big company big family

i remember when we sitting in the embassy of united state in iraq its was about 20 jan  2010 and we talking about the it intern program and they talking about generous gift from AT&T it was a black berry with free phone calls inside the us and i remember the look in the face of the speaker man of the embassy he said a black berry!! .
BlackBerry Bold 9000 Phone, Black (AT&T)

it was really generous gift from the AT&T when we arrive to washington DC the AED stuff bring our phones and we playing with the gps for the hole day because its new technology to us in iraq frankly i see that a very generous gift a lot to give but when i first enter the AT&T company i realize that this company is different despite the fact the company is so big just in st louis we have 3 big buildings
the pipe and the data center and the AT&T where i work all of them are big building connected together
the employee is too many and the company is so huge its really fascinating and what really consider phenomena is the way the way the company treat its employees .

its like big family where every body care and every body greeting you with a big smile.
i belief part of what make at&t very successful company is the way its treat their employees they gave them the option to work from home if the cant come they ask about them and listen to their suggestion
they even make a birthday to the employees its like big one family filled with love.

at work

its amazing how my first day at work going on its simply too good to be true.
we arrive at 8 am and see our supervisor  Sara Gateley she was just walking through the stair and waved to us she helped us to get the badge to get in to the company.
then we head upstairs to our office  its in 22floor the building is so big its consist of 42 floor 
then she gave us instruction about how to begin to work and fit in in the company.
at 9 am we invited to a breakfast it was in 41 floor its hosted by the most kind and lovable person in the company Debra Hollingsworth if i want to describe this woman i simply will say its an angel filled with life and action . she invited so many people to the breakfast and introduce us to all of them.
all of us was sitting and every one gave a little introduction about who he is and whats his work in the company then we start eating. and she brought us some gifts one of them is the flip camera which appear in the picture
Flip UltraHD Camcorder, 120 Minutes (Black)
after we have this lovely breakfast and met all these wonderful people and exchange our emails and telephone to keep in touch in fact everybody was giving me his address and telling me what ever i want any help i want they will be more than happy to provide it.
i am getting back to my office so excited to start work and again at&t stuff thinking very well and plan everything they tell us that we will explorer how the company work  and what is the software life cycle is then we decide where we want to work.
when it about 11 o'clock Debra Hollingsworth take us to the restaurant  she was so nice that she read hour cv and ask for our diet restriction and when she knows that i am a vegetarian she took us to thai restaurant because the gave variety of veggie food.

        Debra Hollingsworth&me 

when i arrive to st louis

after we get out from san francisco i was little sad because i never heard about st louis before but i found that st louis is awesome place to live.
we get up early and went the three of us julia ,sarbast and me we go to the airport take our plan to denver 
after landing in denver we get another plane to st louis in Missouri we arrive to st louis and then we headed to our hotel in the way to the hotel i saw a big building in the top of it the label of AT&T appear it was fascinating then we arrive to mansion house.
our room in the mansion house was booked by at&t and they pay the rent. the place was awesome in every aspect of it .
the apartment is so big and huge and its in the 29th floor and have big window have a sight to the arch  which is one of the most building in the st louis its build to present the idea that st louis is the gate to the west  and the most important thing is its near the at&t company so that we can walk in our way to work its awesome in every aspect of it  .
the at&t has think about every thing and they make sure our staying is pleasant and comfortable they think about every thing even the internet we have a free access to the internet.
then Julia left us and get to hotel of course not big as our in the mansion house because its the best in st. louis.
the next day we get to at&t it was our first meeting with the company .
they welcome us and ask us about our staying or if we need anything i met my boss (Frances Rogers) for the first time and my supervisor ( Sarah Gateley ) and their boss a very nice women i think she is from texas i don't remember her name.
after they welcomed us juila said that she had to go because the bad weather in dc and she left and we stay talking about our work in the company.
and the best thing is i feel so comfortable even if i talking to my boss because they are so friendly and welcome me and sarbast very well.
then we went back to our fancy apartment preparing for the next day of work

Monday, February 22, 2010

AT&T Inovasion center

when i was a kid i always love to watch films about aliens and the edge technology advance stuff like super communication  and spy cameras etc ...
i never imagine that i can see that for real  but guess what i did
it was thursday,january 28 2010 in washington dc we went to the AT&T Innovation center the most hi tech place you can ever visit in DC

iraqi interns with AT&T employee

when we arrived to AT&T innovation center we met a gentleman i  don't recall his name but he appear in  the right side of the picture he begin to talk about uverse and hi tech equipment AT&T start to i dont  develop but what really took my attention is doctor bag its a high tech bag with a screen through it you can contact a doctor and send the test to him and ask him for solution for the problem what ever it is .they design this so that they can give a medical care to the people whom live far away of live in hot spot and not safe.
the first thing jump to my head is we can take this to iraq and it will be something we really benefit from
i have small talk with Richard Robbins Director, Social Innovation ,AT&T Public Affairs
he is a resourceful man i really benefit from talking to him and ask him why at&t come to iraq to invest because we need a good service like the service offered here by at&t he said that this is not sure for now but i think its still an option for the company to consider and if they don't invest in iraq, i think iraq should contact them and get benefit from the device they have i talk about earlier the "the doctor bag".

after that we went to the conference room it is amazing place to be there the room was design by a team from Hollywood to do the decor and the painting in the wall in a fantastic way 
the technician part was done by cooperation between att and cisco and what and when we test conference through communicate with another person in att its look so real that we think that the man in the other side actually with us its simply amazing.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

stanford university

after visiting google the van started and we headed to one of the best universities in the us
its the university of stanford

the intern with professor and his assistant form stanford

when we arrive to the university of stanford we realized that we are in one of the most fascinating place
the university is so big and so beautiful when i look i saw some advertisement from company like google to invite students to apply for it and when we talking to the professor he talk about student future for us  the student start work in his field after his graduation of course before that he work in unrelated are area so that he can earn money but here is the equation difference the company come in to the university and they make a contract with the student while he is a student to work with them and the student have the opportunity to apply what he learn in university in work area in real world application.
we wish we have opportunity like this back there in iraq. when there is real co-operation between companies and universities and universities start  to teach student what real world application is instead of teaching him just the concept.
i cant believe how fast the time is going on we spend the time with the professor talking and talking then its time to go but before that there is one thing catch my attention which is the statistic done by the university to keep track of there student the professor make it clear how much the percent of the student whom work in the university around 20% and the student working in company and the student whom start their own business  .
if you keep track of your student you will know your strength and your weakness you will know if you have a problem and how to fix it we simply don't do that and i wonder if the teacher and professor send by us embassy realize this fact or not and why they don't do it .
i even start thinking of leaving the hole it profession and start a new university in iraq university in which a student have real opportunity to work not inside iraq alone bun even in international companies.

the congress

the most fascinating place we ever went is the congress and w
hat i mean by that is not the building itself
although its done in really artistic way
but the idea of democracy and how they apply it and how is that eve
n small state have the same number of senator an
d from the other hand to give the bigger state their share they give them by the population in the congress
then we have an unforgettable experience
when we get to the restaurant and book store which is very good combination its gave you the idea of feeding the brain with feeding the body together and we watch present obama speech
its amazing how crowd was
the place and how much noise was in it but when
The State of the Union speac started all the noise was gone and people start to listenafter a while the interaction was incredible and people talk with each other discuss what the present said and even if they have different point of view they still smile to each other and talk politely then i get what they mean when they said that democracy is not just a law its something you do it over and over until you get it